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July 17, 2018 Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were Board Members; Tim Pendleton, Barry Braman, Ruby Cosby, Garry Everson, Joanne Kayser, Karen Kayser, Anna Riquelme and Site Manager, Kari Lee. No shareholders were in attendance.

The minutes of the June 19, 2018 Board Meeting were reviewed by the board. Anna made a motion to accept the minutes as written, and the motion was seconded by Barry. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-1 (Tim Pendleton Abstained as he was not present for the June board meeting).

The June Financial Report was reviewed and discussed by the board. Joanne moved to accept the Financial Report. Karen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-1 (Tim Pendleton Abstained as he was not present for the June board meeting).

Old Business None

New Business:

A.Grant status was reviewed and what we need to complete for the grant request. The only equipment that has been approved to be replaced under this grant is our meters with the possibility of a SCADA system. The estimated figure that was submitted to cover this cost was $500,000.00. The SCADA system is a computer program that monitors every aspect of the water system 24/7 and immediately notifies us in the case of any change anywhere in the system. We are still working on other grants to accomplish replacement of our aging infrastructure. Mr. Rizzo of California Rural Water Association (CRWA) has sent a list of other grants available for us to pursue.

B.Background Checks brought up by Jim Barletta: The Minutes of the May 4, 2005 Board meeting where background checks were discussed and voted on were reviewed. Although a motion was passed requiring background checks for any employees and/or board members handling money, financial actions or signing checks, it has not been performed on anyone since it was voted in. Therefore, Barry moved that the current employees and board members will be grandfathered in with any new employees or board members (from this date forward) handling money or signing checks will have background checks performed. Ruby seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0-0.

C.Fire Proof File Cabinets: The need for fireproof locking file cabinets was discussed. We would need two four drawer cabinets. The digital back-ups will be in these cabinets. Joanne moved that we purchase two four drawer fireproof locking file cabinets one at a time. Barry seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0-0.

D.Pump Pressure Issue: Barry said that Ron reset the Site 2 system as the transfer to the other site did not happen as it was supposed to. The air line must be bled if it gets air in the system. If the check valve is not functioning, air can get in the tank. Physically digging up clear water well may be needed to assess why we are periodically losing pressure. We will need to set up a meeting with Mr. Curry to discuss options and develop a plan of action.

Anna moved to adjourn General Session and move to Executive Session. Karen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0-0 at 8:19 pm.

Discussed in the Executive Session were Employee Items.

Ruby moved to Adjourn out of Executive Session and return to General Session. Barry seconded the motion. Motion passed by a vote of 7-0-0.

Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Joanne. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.

Just a reminder that the Averydale website,, will provide you with all kinds of information such as: how to: start, stop service or change account details. Upcoming events, how to report a leak, board meeting minutes, payments, water rates, conversion chart, conservation tips, community and water news, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: All Averydale employees have employee badges with photos to identify themselves.

If someone approaches you stating they are from the water company, please, ask them to show you their employee badge.

If you ever have any questions, please call the office at 661-946-2256.

Averydale employees will NEVER ask you to pay your bill out in the field.

All payments are to be made at the office by check, cash, money order or debit/credit card.

It is our goal to provide clean water and the best service to our customers while keeping you informed of all the new laws and changes coming from the governing agencies that we, as a company, must adhere to.

We always encourage any questions you may have about any of these processes.

The board would like to remind every shareholder that if you have an issue or question pertaining to AMWC, please call the office, bring your concerns to the office in writing, or attend a board meeting in person

(with 24 hrs written notice per AB240).

AMWC’s Board Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the office and are open for “eligible persons” to attend upon written request that must be received in the office (via mail, email or personal delivery), at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting per AB240 (Section 2.14305.2(b)).

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