April 17, 2018 Board of Director's Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2018 Board of Director's Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. In attendance were Board Members; Tim Pendleton, Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Ruby Cosby, Garry Everson, Joanne Kayser and Site Manager Kari Lee.
The minutes of the March 20, 2018 Board Meeting were reviewed by the board. Joanne made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Barry seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-1.
The minutes of the March 27, 2018 Special Meeting were reviewed by the board. Ruby mad a motion to accept the minutes as written. Barry seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-1.
The March Financial Report was reviewed and discussed by the board. Anna moved to accept the Financial Report. Barry seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
No Shareholders in attendance.
March 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting:
Old Business:
1.Efficiency Test Results - Tabled.
New Business:
1.Review Annual Shareholder’s Meeting results.
2.Review AB3057 – New Assembly Bill; how it will affect us if and or when passed.
Company Status Review:
1.Grant process is still ongoing. We have to get an environmental engineer report done (paid for by the state).
2.MIOX pumps are getting worse. They won’t last much longer and we cannot get parts for them anymore. New pumps price out at $4,000 to $5,000 for what we need. There are 2 pumps at each site. 2 need to be replaced now. The other 2 can wait a little longer. Ruby made a motion to purchase 2 new pumps now. Anna seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
Executive Session: No shareholders in attendance, so no motion to adjourn to Executive session was made.
In Executive Session, the following items were discussed:
1.Employee Items
Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Joanne. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
April 21, 2018 Annual Shareholder's Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2018 Annual Shareholder's Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 4:00pm. Board Members in attendance were; Tim Pendleton, Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Ruby Cosby, Garry Everson, Joanne Kayser. Staff in attendance were; Site Manager Kari Lee and Admin Secretary, Alma Sandoval.
1.Introduction of Board Members and Staff to the Shareholders in attendance.
2.Reviewed Agenda.
Barry Braman discussed water theft issues and fines for stealing water. He also discussed that per the Adjudication ruling, no-one, not even private citizens can “sell” water to anyone else.
Barry Braman then discussed the issue with people driving over and/or parking on the water meter boxes and how this is causing damage and replacement issues not just to the boxes but to piping and angle stops as well. If this continues, it will in turn cause rates to go up. So please watch out for and stay off of and out of the water meter boxes.
During this discussion time, the number of shareholders in attendance and the Proxy Ballots were counted. Unfortunately, a quorum was not reached.
Tim Pendleton did touch on the age of our infrastructure and the cost to maintain and/or repair it as one of the factors of the increasing water rates.
A shareholder in attendance questioned several items.
1.The purchase of a company vehicle. – Tim explained that all the research was done to try to make the smartest purchase. The board voted on the vehicle that was purchased.
2.The validity of the Proxy Ballots used. – Kari explained that they are the same ballots developed by the attorney that were used for last year’s annual meeting.
3.The need for and time frame of the financial audit(s) done by the CPA. – Kari explained the financial audits are required to be and are done annually. Once they are completed and approved by the board they are sent out to all shareholders as well as copies are available at the office.
4.The requirement of background checks for employees. No one is aware of that requirement.
No further items discussed. Tim informed all shareholders that they are welcome to attend the monthly board meetings if they ever have any questions or concerns. He also thanked Stewart Easterday for his service to the board and good luck on his move.
Tim invited any other board members to speak. Tim then thanked the shareholders for attending and the meeting was adjourned at 4:28 pm.
April 21, 2018 Organizational Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2018 Organizational Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 4:35pm. Board Members in attendance were; Tim Pendleton, Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Ruby Cosby, Garry Everson, Joanne Kayser and Site Manager Kari Lee.
The purpose of this meeting is to ensure all board seats are filled and officers voted on.
Seat nominations made to fill the 1 vacant seat/resulting vote:
1.Ruby Cosby made a motion to nominate Jim Barletta. No seconds were received, motion did not pass.
2.Joanne Kayser made a motion to nominate Karen Kayser (daughter). Barry seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-1-0 (1 nay by Ruby Cosby).
Officer seat nominations/resulting vote:
1.President Seat: Ruby Cosby nominated Tim Pendleton. No other nominations received for this seat. Vote presented; Passed 5-0-1.
2.Vice-President Seat: Ruby Cosby nominated Barry Braman. No other nominations received for this seat. Vote presented; Passed 5-0-1.
3.Secretary/Treasurer Seat: Ruby Cosby nominated Anna Riquelme. No other nominations received for this seat. Vote presented; Passed 5-0-1.
With all seats filled and accounted for, purpose of the organizational meeting has been fulfilled.
Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Joanne. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:52 pm.
Just a reminder that the Averydale website, amwclancaster.org, will provide you with all kinds of information such as: how to: start, stop service or change account details. Upcoming events, how to report a leak, board meeting minutes, payments, water rates, conversion chart, conservation tips, community and water news, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: All Averydale employees have employee badges with photos to identify themselves.
If someone approaches you stating they are from the water company, please, ask them to show you their employee badge.
If you ever have any questions, please call the office at 661-946-2256.
Averydale employees will NEVER ask you to pay your bill out in the field.
All payments are to be made at the office by check, cash, money order or debit/credit card.
It is our goal to provide clean water and the best service to our customers while keeping you informed of all the new laws and changes coming from the governing agencies that we, as a company, must adhere to.
We always encourage any questions you may have about any of these processes.
The board would like to remind every shareholder that if you have an issue or question pertaining to AMWC, please call the office, bring your concerns to the office in writing, or attend a board meeting in person
(with 24 hrs written notice per AB240).
AMWC’s Board Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the office and are open for “eligible persons” to attend upon written request that must be received in the office (via mail, email or personal delivery), at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting per AB240 (Section 2.14305.2(b)).